Wednesday, May 19, 2004

God in Church?

Great moment after last week's service of rededication, an overheard conversation and a follow through on that.

Overheard Conversation -- member of the College senior management said to the Bishop that he couldn't find God in the Chapel building. The architect of the building, Ron Sims, overheard it-- he was at the after-service refreshments too.

The follow up -- Ron Sims approached the person who had commented and explained that he couldn't help overhearing and then pointed out that the building had been designed so that there was always a view of the environment beyond the building -- so that God was to be found by looking beyond the confines of the Church rather than hoping to find the answers on the inside.

This struck me again at the start of this rogation-time, thinking of God the creator, and also when listening to today's reading at the Eucharist from Acts 17.24 "The God who made the world and everything in it, he who is Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in shrines made by human hands".

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