Sunday, January 03, 2016

Collect, The Epiphany, 6 January (Redub)

God, maker of the heavens,
a star led the Magi to the
place of Christ's birth.
Their journey changed them,
they went back different.
May we, with all people,
see your love and your creation
in a new way, today and forever.

The Gunning Fog readability index suggests 9.41 years of formal education is required to understand this prayer on a first reading, the Common Worship prayer requires 27.85 years.

Here's the information on how this prayer is a redub.

The Epiphany Collection of 5 prayers is here.

You can also look at the full Index of Prayers.

The project began Advent 2012.

If you want to use the prayers, an acknowledgement of myself as author and, if there's space, the url to my blog would be much appreciated.

Additional Collect, The Epiphany, 6 January (Redub)

God of the star fields,
the Magi saw a star and
went to where Jesus was born.
As we travel the road to freedom,
guide us to find your love
in our lives, in our world,
and in our cosmos.

The Gunning Fog readability index suggests 8.0 years of formal education is required to understand this prayer on a first reading, the Common Worship prayer requires 12.8 years.

Here's the information on how this prayer is a redub.

The Epiphany Collection of 5 prayers is here.

You can also look at the full Index of Prayers.

The project began Advent 2012.

If you want to use the prayers, an acknowledgement of myself as author and, if there's space, the url to my blog would be much appreciated

Post Communion, The Epiphany, 6 January (Redub)

God maker of heaven and earth,
help us follow your light.
Just as the shining of a star
changed the lives of the Magi,
may you reveal your love to us.
It is in you that,
we and the creation move and live
and have our being.

The Gunning Fog readability index suggests 6.33 years of formal education is required to understand this prayer on a first reading, the Common Worship prayer requires 15.6 years.

Here's the information on how this prayer is a redub.

The Epiphany Collection of 5 prayers is here.

You can also look at the full Index of Prayers.

The project began Advent 2012.

If you want to use the prayers, an acknowledgement of myself as author and, if there's space, the url to my blog would be much appreciated.

Saturday, January 02, 2016

Second Sunday of Christmas Post Communion (Children’s Reboot)

God you became like all of us,
first a tiny baby, in Mary’s womb.
Then you were born,
growing to be a child.
You found out what it is like to
be cared for by grown-ups.
Thank you that you know
what our lives are like.


The Gunning Fog readability index suggests 4.7 years of formal education is required to understand this prayer on a first reading, the Common Worship prayer requires 25.63 years.

Here's the information on how this prayer is a reboot.

My collection of five prayers for the Second Sunday After Christmas are here.

You can also look at the full Index of Prayers.

The project runs from Advent 2012.

If you want to use the prayers, an acknowledgement of myself as author and, if there's space, the link to my blog would be much appreciated.

Second Sunday of Christmas Collect (Children’s Reboot)

God you have lived like us,
as a child,
growing up,
here on earth.
You know what it is like to love
and to be loved as a human.
Help us learn about love from Jesus.
Help us follow Jesus so we can find you.

The Gunning Fog readability index suggests 4.5 years of formal education is required to understand this prayer on a first reading, the Common Worship prayer requires 29.34 years.

Here's the information on how this prayer is a reboot.

My collection of five prayers for the Second Sunday After Christmas are here.

You can also look at the full Index of Prayers.

The project runs from Advent 2012.

If you want to use the prayers, an acknowledgement of myself as author and, if there's space, the link to my blog would be much appreciated.

Second Sunday of Christmas Post Communion (Redub)

All praise to you,
all-loving and all-giving God.
You have shown us your humility
by Mary bearing you to birth and mothering you.
Grant that as we are born again in you,
that we may experience your
mothering embrace of our lives and our world,
on earth as it is in heaven.

The Gunning Fog readability index suggests 8.68 years of formal education is required to understand this prayer on a first reading, the Common Worship prayer requires 25.63 years.

Here's the information on how this prayer is a redub.

My collection of five prayers for the Second Sunday After Christmas are here.

You can also look at the full Index of Prayers.

The project runs from Advent 2012.

If you want to use the prayers, an acknowledgement of myself as author and, if there's space, the link to my blog would be much appreciated.

Second Sunday of Christmas Additional Collect (Redub)

God, who nurtures our lives and creation,
in love you emptied yourself to live alongside us
that the world may have life.
Lead us to find the your gifts of love
in those peoples and places
so much in need of life
and gift us with life in all its fullness.

The Gunning Fog readability index suggests 11.77 years of formal education is required to understand this prayer on a first reading, the Common Worship prayer requires 14 years.

Here's the information on how this prayer is a redub.

My collection of five prayers for the Second Sunday After Christmas are here.

You can also look at the full Index of Prayers.

The project runs from Advent 2012.

If you want to use the prayers, an acknowledgement of myself as author and, if there's space, the link to my blog would be much appreciated.

Second Sunday of Christmas Collect (Redub)

Self-emptying God,
in becoming human and born of a woman,
you have poured on all living things
the light and word of life.
Help us to walk in this light,
dwell in your love,
and follow your words of hope
for all peoples and the whole creation.
May we become joy-filled and joyful
for the sake of your kingdom.

The Gunning Fog readability index suggests 8.13 years of formal education is required to understand this prayer on a first reading, the Common Worship prayer requires 29.34 years.

Here's the information on how this prayer is a redub.

My collection of five prayers for the Second Sunday After Christmas are here.

You can also look at the full Index of Prayers.

The project runs from Advent 2012.

If you want to use the prayers, an acknowledgement of myself as author and, if there's space, the link to my blog would be much appreciated.

Second Sunday of Christmas Prayer Collection (redub/reboot)

Here are the links to my five new Collects and Post Communions for the Second Sunday after Christmas.

Collect (Redub);
Post Communion (Redub);

Collect (Children's Reboot);
Post Communion (Children's Reboot).

The project runs from Advent 2012.

Here's a full Index of Prayers that I've written.

Here's the information on how a prayer is a redub.

Here's the information on how a prayer is a reboot.

If you want to use the prayers, an acknowledgement of myself as author and, if there's space, the link to my blog would be much appreciated.