Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity, Collect (Redub)

God of love,
we are glad that you
love all the creatures of the earth,
including us.
Help us notice
that your love and peace
is there for us and
the whole creation.

The Gunning Fog readability index suggests 6.6 years of formal education is required to understand this prayer on a first reading, the Common Worship prayer requires 23.83 years.

Here's the information on how this prayer is a redub.

The 21st Sunday after Trinity Collection of 5 prayers is here.

You can also look at the full Index of Prayers.

The project runs from Advent 2012.

If you want to use the prayers, an acknowledgement of myself as author and, if there's space, the link to my blog would be much appreciated.

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