Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Index to Collects and Post Communions: Redub / Children's Reboot

This is the index of my Green Prayers which I introduce here. The prayers are either my redubs or my reboots of Church of England prayers that are called "Collects" or "Post Communions".

Below is a week by week list of all of my Collects and Post Communions published for each Sunday of the Church year and principal feast days. The prayers for August to November are still being written.

This alternative prayers project was begun at the start of December 2012 and is continuing.

Up and coming prayers (2nd Dec 2018 – 2 Feb 2019)
First Sunday of Advent (2–8 Dec '18)
Second Sunday of Advent  (9–15 Dec '18)
Third Sunday of Advent (16–22 Dec '18)
Fourth Sunday of Advent (23 Dec '18)

Christmas Eve (24 Dec '18)
Christmas Night (24 Dec '18)
Christmas Day (25 Dec '18)
First Sunday of Christmas (30 Dec '18)

The Epiphany, 6 January (06 Jan '19)
Baptism of Christ (1st Sunday of Epiphany) (06–12 Jan '19)
Second Sunday of Epiphany (13–19 Jan '19)
Third Sunday of Epiphany (20–26 Jan '19)
Fourth Sunday of Epiphany (27 Jan–02 Feb '19)
Candlemas: Presentation of Christ in the Temple (02 Feb '19)


Introductory Materials
Redubbing Collects and Post Communions
A Children's Reboot of Collects and Post Communions

Sundays and Principal Days/Feasts
First Sunday of Advent
Second Sunday of Advent
Third Sunday of Advent
Fourth Sunday of Advent

Christmas Eve
Christmas Night
Christmas Day
First Sunday of Christmas 
Second Sunday of Christmas

The Epiphany, 6 January
Baptism of Christ (1st Sunday of Epiphany)
Second Sunday of Epiphany
Third Sunday of Epiphany
Fourth Sunday of Epiphany
Candlemas: Presentation of Christ in the Temple

Pre-Lenten Season
5th Sunday before Lent
4th Sunday before Lent
3rd Sunday before Lent
2nd Sunday before Lent
Sunday next before Lent

Ash Wednesday
First Sunday of Lent
Second Sunday of Lent
Third Sunday of Lent
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Mothering Sunday
Fifth Sunday of Lent Passiontide begins

Holy Week
Palm Sunday 
Maundy Thursday 
Good Friday 
Easter Eve / Holy Saturday

Easter Day

Second Sunday of Easter 
Third Sunday of Easter

Fourth Sunday of Easter 
Fifth Sunday of Easter 
Sixth Sunday of Easter 
Ascension Day 
Seventh Sunday of Easter 


Ordinary Time
Weekdays after Pentecost 
Trinity Sunday 
First Sunday after Trinity 
Second Sunday after Trinity 
Third Sunday after Trinity
Fourth Sunday after Trinity
Fifth Sunday after Trinity
Sixth Sunday after Trinity
Seventh Sunday after Trinity
Eighth Sunday after Trinity
Ninth Sunday after Trinity (forthcoming)
Tenth Sunday after Trinity (forthcoming).
Eleventh Sunday after Trinity (forthcoming)
Twelfth Sunday after Trinity (forthcoming)
Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity (forthcoming)
Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity (forthcoming)
Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity (forthcoming)
Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity (forthcoming)
Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity (forthcoming)
Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity (forthcoming)
Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity (forthcoming)
Twentieth Sunday after Trinity
Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity
Twenty-second Sunday after Trinity, (using provision for 3rd Sunday before Lent
Last Sunday after Trinity (forthcoming)

All Saints to Advent
All Saints Day (forthcoming)
Fourth Sunday before Advent (forthcoming)
Third Sunday before Advent: Remembrance (forthcoming)
Second Sunday before Advent (forthcoming)
Christ the King: last Sunday before Advent (forthcoming)

Lesser Festivals
6 December: Nicholas, Bishop of Myra

Supplementary Resources
Carol Service Collects

Introduction: Redubbing and Rebooting Collects for a Year

Welcome to my redubbed and rebooted Collects and Post Communion prayers.

I am redubbing existing Collects and Post Communions.

I am rebooting by starting again for children.

I always start with Common Worship.

I build an index as I go along.

There are many existing prayers in the category "Collects and Post Communions" that are inaccessible or unintelligible to some or many for a variety of reasons (note my January 2017 letter to the Church Times on that topic).

I've been writing 5 prayers for each Sunday. I'm going to also write 4 or 5 prayers for Principal Feasts and Holy Days. I've done two-thirds of the Church year, with prayers left to be written for August to November. The project began in December 2012 and after I have written five prayers for all Sundays and Principal Feasts—that's about 70 sets of five prayers that run across the year—I also hope to write 2 prayers for some Lesser Festivals too. 

I have a pre-occupation with liberation theologies. I'm particularly concerned about environment, women and children. I wrote a PhD on ecotheology and Common Worship: here.

If you want to use the prayers,
an acknowledgement of myself as author
and, if there's space, the url to my blog
would be much appreciated.

Collects and Post Communions (Redub)

Redubbing means changing prayers, not writing entirely new texts. I always begin with the Church of England's Common Worship texts, and so to redub is 'to refit', 'to repair' and 'to make reparation' to the existing prayers in relation to the following concerns:
  1. Gender neutral and inclusive language;
  2. Simplified sentence structure and vocabulary;
  3. A desire to retain metaphors that are accessible;
  4. Earthing the text: i.e. making sure creation gets a look in;
  5. Making them prayers for as many as possible, not just those in the 'church';
  6. Keeping children and empowerment in mind at all times.
The prayers will appear on this blog, at least a few days before the following Sunday so that people who feel compelled* to bring a bit of equality theology into their worship can.

I am redubbing 3 prayers for every week of the Church year (plus major festivals). Redub will begin, first, with Collects and Post Communions, but I hope to extend. My redubs sit next to my Reboots for Children of existing Collects and Post Communions. 

I'm choosing Collects and Post Communions because they sum up the church's theology each week for lay and ordained--especially the Collect. Unequal thinking in these prayers is something I want to challenge.

I'm not aiming to improve on poetry or style, but I am wanting to get to a theology that works for me and can be more palatable for those praying it. 

Sometimes the unfamiliarity of a new text means, however simple, it may still be much harder to read. I'm grateful for feedback, especially from any who try using them. I'm keen to keep re-writing as well, as work in progress.

If you want to use* the prayers, an acknowledgement of myself as author and if there's space the url to my blog would be much appreciated.

* CofE clergy who have taken a vow of canonical obedience may recall that using non-authorized Collects at a CofE Eucharist as 'The Collect' is not authorized (in a typical, church, non-ecumenical or non-LEP setting). CofE clergy may also recall that it's optional as to what Post Communion prayer is used at a eucharist. [CofE clergy may not be aware that an authorized Post Communion can be used instead of a Collect since it is an authorized prayer.]

Index of Prayers

Collects and Post Communions (Children's Reboot)

When it comes to children and Common Worship, I believe there's a need for a reboot (switch off and start again) of Collects and Post Communions. My rebooted prayers sit next to my work Redubbing existing Collects and Post Communions.

The principles for rebooting are similar to those for redubbing:
  1. Gender neutral and inclusive language;
  2. Great simplicity;
  3. Reduction in use of metaphor;
  4. Earthing the text: i.e. making sure creation gets a look in;
  5. Making them prayers for as many possible, not just those in church;
  6. Keeping children and empowerment as the primary focus.
The prayers will appear on this blog, ideally, at least a few days before the following Sunday so that people who feel compelled* to bring a bit of equality theology into their worship can.

I'm choosing Collects and Post Communions because they sum up the church's theology each week for lay and ordained, young and old—especially the Collect. Unequal thinking in these prayers is something I want to challenge. Thinking that children can understand is something I want to provide.

Having tested the original and my redubbed prayers against the Gunning Fog index for readability, I realize the original prayers have such high reading ages i.e. the number of years of formal education required to make sense of a text on a first reading. For example, 40+ years of formal education is needed to understand the Collect for the First Sunday of Advent at first glance! When I redubbed that prayer it was still inaccessible to a child wasn't possible (I got it down to about 10+ years). It was time for a reboot!

I'm hoping that what I write will be useful for children and for child spirituality practictioners. I hope it will be a prompt, too, for those working to design liturgies so children can understand a fair amount a first hearing.

If you want to use* the prayers, an acknowledgement of myself as author and, if there's space, the url to my blog, would be much appreciated.

* CofE clergy who have taken a vow of canonical obedience may recall that using non-authorized Collects at a CofE Eucharist as 'The Collect' is not authorized (in a typical, church, non-ecumenical or non-LEP setting). CofE clergy may also recall that it's optional as to what Post Communion prayer is used at a eucharist. [CofE clergy may not be aware that an authorized Post Communion can be used instead of a Collect since it is an authorized prayer.]

Index of Prayers

Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity Collection

Here are the links to my five new Collects and Post Communions for the 21st Sunday after Trinity.

Collect (Redub);
Post Communion (Redub);

Collect (Children's Reboot);
Post Communion (Children's Reboot).

The project runs from Advent 2012.

Here's a full Index of Prayers that I've written.

Here's the information on how a prayer is a redub.

Here's the information on how a prayer is a reboot.

If you want to use the prayers, an acknowledgement of myself as author and, if there's space, the link to my blog would be much appreciated.

Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity, Post Communion (Children's Reboot)

God of love,
thank you for loving our world.
When we help our world
we help you too.
Help us to remember this.

The Gunning Fog readability index suggests 4.81 years of formal education is required to understand this prayer on a first reading, the Common Worship prayer requires 21.95 years.

Here's the information on how this prayer is a reboot.

The 21st Sunday after Trinity Collection of 5 prayers is here.

You can also look at the full Index of Prayers.

The project runs from Advent 2012.

If you want to use the prayers, an acknowledgement of myself as author and, if there's space, the link to my blog would be much appreciated.

Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity, Collect (Children's Reboot)

God of light and grace,
in who there is no change or shadow of turning,
may we join with all nature
in diverse witness to your 
faithfulness, mercy and love.
May we be a living sign of that kingdom
where your whole creation will be made perfect,
in Jesus Christ our rescuer.

The Gunning Fog readability index suggests 6.6 years of formal education is required to understand this prayer on a first reading, the Common Worship prayer requires 23.83 years.

Here's the information on how this prayer is a reboot.

The 21st Sunday after Trinity Collection of 5 prayers is here.

You can also look at the full Index of Prayers.

The project runs from Advent 2012.

If you want to use the prayers, an acknowledgement of myself as author and, if there's space, the link to my blog would be much appreciated.

Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity, Post Communion (Redub)

God of light and grace,
in who there is no change or shadow of turning,
may we join with all nature
in diverse witness to your 
faithfulness, mercy and love.
May we be a living sign of that kingdom
where your whole creation will be made perfect,
in Jesus Christ our rescuer.

The Gunning Fog readability index suggests 11.17 years of formal education is required to understand this prayer on a first reading, the Common Worship prayer requires 21.95 years.

Here's the information on how this prayer is a redub.

The 21st Sunday after Trinity Collection of 5 prayers is here.

You can also look at the full Index of Prayers.

The project runs from Advent 2012.

If you want to use the prayers, an acknowledgement of myself as author and, if there's space, the link to my blog would be much appreciated.

Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity, Additional Collect (Redub)

All-loving God,
in your service we receive perfect freedom.
Show us your purposes for our lives
here on earth that we may obey you
with all our heart and mind and strength,
through Jesus Christ our redeemer.

The Gunning Fog readability index suggests 9.71 years of formal education is required to understand this prayer on a first reading, the Common Worship prayer requires 12.93 years.

Here's the information on how this prayer is a redub.

The 21st Sunday after Trinity Collection of 5 prayers is here.

You can also look at the full Index of Prayers.

The project runs from Advent 2012.

If you want to use the prayers, an acknowledgement of myself as author and, if there's space, the link to my blog would be much appreciated.

Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity, Collect (Redub)

God of love,
we are glad that you
love all the creatures of the earth,
including us.
Help us notice
that your love and peace
is there for us and
the whole creation.

The Gunning Fog readability index suggests 6.6 years of formal education is required to understand this prayer on a first reading, the Common Worship prayer requires 23.83 years.

Here's the information on how this prayer is a redub.

The 21st Sunday after Trinity Collection of 5 prayers is here.

You can also look at the full Index of Prayers.

The project runs from Advent 2012.

If you want to use the prayers, an acknowledgement of myself as author and, if there's space, the link to my blog would be much appreciated.

Twenty-Second Sunday after Trinity Collection

The prayers used on the 22nd Sunday after Trinity are the prayers provided for the Third Sunday before Lent, which are as follows.

Collect (Redub);
Post Communion (Redub);

Collect (Children's Reboot);
Post Communion (Children's Reboot).

The project runs from Advent 2012.

Here's a full Index of Prayers that I've written.

Here's the information on how a prayer is a redub.

Here's the information on how a prayer is a reboot.

If you want to use the prayers, an acknowledgement of myself as author and, if there's space, the link to my blog would be much appreciated.

Third Sunday before Lent Collection

Here are the links to my five new Collects and Post Communions for the Third Sunday before Lent; these prayers are also used on the 22nd Sunday after Trinity..

Collect (Redub);
Post Communion (Redub);

Collect (Children's Reboot);
Post Communion (Children's Reboot).

The project runs from Advent 2012.

Here's a full Index of Prayers that I've written.

Here's the information on how a prayer is a redub.

Here's the information on how a prayer is a reboot.

If you want to use the prayers, an acknowledgement of myself as author and, if there's space, the link to my blog would be much appreciated.

Third Sunday before Lent, Post Communion (Children's Reboot)

God of love,
thank you that you love us
when we are sad,
just as much as when we’re happy.
Thank you that you love us
when we are cross,
just as much as when we’re at peace.
Help us keep loving
you, ourselves,
each other and our world,
whatever we’re feeling.

The Gunning Fog readability index suggests 4.53 years of formal education is required to understand this prayer on a first reading, the Common Worship prayer requires 23.11 years.

Here's the information on how this prayer is a reboot.

The 3rd Sunday before Lent Collection of 5 prayers is here.

You can also look at the full Index of Prayers.

The project runs from Advent 2012.

If you want to use the prayers, an acknowledgement of myself as author and, if there's space, the link to my blog would be much appreciated.

Third Sunday before Lent, Collect (Children's Reboot)

God of love,
thank you that you love us
when we are sad,
just as much as when we’re happy.
Thank you that you love us
when we are cross,
just as much as when we’re at peace.
Help us keep loving
you, ourselves,
each other and our world,
whatever we’re feeling.

The Gunning Fog readability index suggests 8.06 years of formal education is required to understand this prayer on a first reading, the Common Worship prayer requires 34.87 years.

Here's the information on how this prayer is a reboot.

The 3rd Sunday before Lent Collection of 5 prayers is here.

You can also look at the full Index of Prayers.

The project runs from Advent 2012.

If you want to use the prayers, an acknowledgement of myself as author and, if there's space, the link to my blog would be much appreciated.

Third Sunday before Lent, Post Communion (Redub)

God of mercy,
in giving us yourself in Jesus the Christ,
as the bread of life,
we live in the hope of life without hunger.
As we serve you and the world you created,
may we who eat, be bread to others,
may we who drink, pour out your love.

The Gunning Fog readability index suggests 10.8 years of formal education is required to understand this prayer on a first reading, the Common Worship prayer requires 23.11 years.

Here's the information on how this prayer is a redub.

The 3rd Sunday before Lent Collection of 5 prayers is here.

You can also look at the full Index of Prayers.

The project runs from Advent 2012.

If you want to use the prayers, an acknowledgement of myself as author and, if there's space, the link to my blog would be much appreciated.

Third Sunday before Lent, Additional Collect (Redub)

Eternal God,
in Jesus, the Christ,
you served, among the crowds,
and you were with the wild animals,
and angels served you.
Equip us to be givers and receives of that same
love and hospitality; in the church, and with 
the peoples and creatures of our world.
Help us notice your presence in others 
and in our own lives.

The Gunning Fog readability index suggests 9.9 years of formal education is required to understand this prayer on a first reading, the Common Worship prayer requires 18.7 years.

Here's the information on how this prayer is a redub.

The 3rd Sunday before Lent Collection of 5 prayers is here.

You can also look at the full Index of Prayers.

The project runs from Advent 2012.

If you want to use the prayers, an acknowledgement of myself as author and, if there's space, the link to my blog would be much appreciated.

Third Sunday before Lent, Collect (Redub)

God, whose Spirit hovers over 
the deep chaos, bringing order;
by your self-giving grace
we can find your love
and desire to see your promises fulfilled
for ourselves, humanity and whole earth.
Help us share your vision for your world
both now and in the new creation.
Through Jesus Christ our rescuer and redeemer.

The Gunning Fog readability index suggests 8.79 years of formal education is required to understand this prayer on a first reading, the Common Worship prayer requires 34.87 years.

Here's the information on how this prayer is a redub.

The 3rd Sunday before Lent Collection of 5 prayers is here.

You can also look at the full Index of Prayers.

The project runs from Advent 2012.

If you want to use the prayers, an acknowledgement of myself as author and, if there's space, the link to my blog would be much appreciated.

Tuesday, May 01, 2018

4th Sunday before Lent Collection

Here are the links to my five new Collects and Post Communions for the Fourth Sunday before Lent.

Collect (Redub);
Post Communion (Redub);

Collect (Children's Reboot);
Post Communion (Children's Reboot).

The project runs from Advent 2012.

Here's a full Index of Prayers that I've written.

Here's the information on how a prayer is a redub.

Here's the information on how a prayer is a reboot.

If you want to use the prayers, an acknowledgement of myself as author and, if there's space, the link to my blog would be much appreciated.

4th Sunday before Lent, Post Communion (Children's Reboot)

God of love,
thank you that you
travel with us.
Thank you that
wherever in our world
help is needed,
that you are there already.

The Gunning Fog readability index suggests 8.2 years of formal education is required to understand this prayer on a first reading, the Common Worship prayer requires 24 years.

Here's the information on how this prayer is a reboot.

The 4th Sunday before Lent Collection of 5 prayers is here.

You can also look at the full Index of Prayers.

The project runs from Advent 2012.

If you want to use the prayers, an acknowledgement of myself as author and, if there's space, the link to my blog would be much appreciated.

4th Sunday before Lent, Collect (Children's Reboot)

God, you know everything,
when things are
hard to understand,
help us.
When we are not sure
what is happening to our world,
give us hope.

The Gunning Fog readability index suggests 8.28 years of formal education is required to understand this prayer on a first reading, the Common Worship prayer requires 32.74 years.

Here's the information on how this prayer is a reboot.

The 4th Sunday before Lent Collection of 5 prayers is here.

You can also look at the full Index of Prayers.

The project runs from Advent 2012.

If you want to use the prayers, an acknowledgement of myself as author and, if there's space, the link to my blog would be much appreciated.

4th Sunday before Lent, Post Communion (Redub)

Go with us, God, into our lives
and our world, guiding our feet,
thoughts, hopes and our actions.
May your continual help equip
us to serve your divine purpose
for our world and our lives,
both now and for ever,
through Jesus Christ our rescuer.

The Gunning Fog readability index suggests 9.89 years of formal education is required to understand this prayer on a first reading, the Common Worship prayer requires 24.0 years.

Here's the information on how this prayer is a redub.

The 4th Sunday before Lent Collection of 5 prayers is here.

You can also look at the full Index of Prayers.

The project runs from Advent 2012.

If you want to use the prayers, an acknowledgement of myself as author and, if there's space, the link to my blog would be much appreciated.

4th Sunday before Lent, Additional Collect (Redub)

God who angels and animals worship;
you equip us with new hope,
and empower us with your Spirit.
Help us work with you to
protect and restore the broken
and forgotten people and places of our world,
through Jesus Christ our redeemer.

The Gunning Fog readability index suggests 12.21 years of formal education is required to understand this prayer on a first reading, the Common Worship prayer requires 15.14 years.

Here's the information on how this prayer is a redub.

The 4th Sunday before Lent Collection of 5 prayers is here.

You can also look at the full Index of Prayers.

The project runs from Advent 2012.

If you want to use the prayers, an acknowledgement of myself as author and, if there's space, the link to my blog would be much appreciated.