Friday, April 29, 2005

Hitch and Richard Nixon

Went, on the recommendation of a friend, to see the film 'Hitch'. I had no idea whatsover what it was about -- I guessed it was going to be a road movie across the States or something, took my mate Miles with me. Killing myself laughing now, in retrospect. Friend, who shall remain nameless has heard me bemoan Hollywoodesque interpretations of love and relationships and STILL said go!

However, there was plenty of good stuff in it -- and some appallingly cheesy maxims about life too, I’m not sure whether they cancelled each other out or not. According to the film, men spend a huge amount of time expending masses of energy attempting to impress women. Women then become confused by this garish behaviour and tend not to trust the men by return. Then the men have to prove that all the gallavanting around has a genuine purpose lying beneath it by being honest. The women are then dutifully impressed and everyone falls in love.

I liked the happy endings, I liked the excruciatingly detailed close-up on male courting behaviour because there was some painful accuracies. I thought the women got the easier ride, so I’m a bit indignant about that, being a bloke. Overall I’d give it a 4 out of 10 which is high praise from me. 'The Assasination of Richard Nixon', which I saw the previous week gets a nought point five!

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