Well that was a complete pile of nonsense, although I'm glad I've now seen the film 'Kingdom of Heaven' coz it was about Jerusalem. The computer generated images of ships and battle violence left a lot to be desired, and the three words of arabic repeatedly used during the film (salaam allakoom [God's peace be with you] and yella [lets go]) cracked me up. Maybe if I'd have seen 'Gladiator' I could have comprehended the genre better -- not my bag though!
As for the handling of the king's leprosy, grrr. A colleague, a professor in medieval history, told me that the king in question a) never wore and mask and b) was going into battle, on a horse, till just before his final demise: a man who overcame the illness -- the film simply perpetuates lies about the condition, grrrr. And as for a pouting Eva Green, well perhaps the fault was with a screen writer who didn't know how to create a strong role for a female lead; it just got weaker and weaker.
One and a half.
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