Tuesday, May 03, 2005

water / the F word / peace / music

A day like today shows off the very best things about working as a chaplain in higher education. The day began on the water at 6.30am and ended at 11pm watching a video with my rowing partners of our performance.

The bulk of the work today was putting up the F-Word exhibition www.theforgivenessproject.com

And then I was meeting Bruce Kent, who has been a leader of the national and international peace movement who I had invited to give a lecture at College. Superb lecture..

The evening also included rehearsing Arvo Part and Charles Ives pieces for tomorrow’s special ceremony around peace, Hiroshima and nuclear non-proliferation, and then it was dinner with our Japanese visitors who are presenting the peace tree to us.

There are so many connections that occur to make all those activities possible and so many connections I make with others by being there.

I’m so glad I’m working here. It has been such a long day, days like this feel all the more special too. -- And I’ll work a short week to keep my hours balanced!

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